Do you have a question about ILT & Blended learning? Legacy course conversion? Video Based Learning? Mobile Learning? Rapid Authoring? 2d - 3d Animation? Software Simulations? Localization? Micro learning? Gamification? Software Customization? Web Streaming? Open Source Customization? Mobile App Development? Publishing Services? Curriculum Development? Assessment Development? We have the answer.

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elearning Industry Awards 2019

Quick Facts

Years in working
Continents Reached
0 +
Hrs of elearning Delivered
0 M
Pages developed in Content
0 +
Hrs of localization

Our Solutions

Content Solutions

Content is more than just the right words in the right setting with the right message. Content creation is art, which needs the right system to be brought out to perfection.

Adaptive Solutions

Learning can only be effective if it adapts itself to the manner in which the learner seeks it. Understanding this need for learning solutions to be adaptive is imperative.

Technology Solutions

It makes sense for learning companies to keep pace with technology in order to create an innovative and progressive learning environment.

Work Samples

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